For humanity, on the Sunnah's path...

আন-নুর ফাউন্ডেশন

An-Nur Foundation




An-Nur Winter Gift Project - 2024-25 CE

The first phase of our winter clothing distribution has been completed.
This initiative will continue until the end of January, In Sha Allah.

The beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Whoever clothes a Muslim who has no clothes, Allah will clothe them in green garments in Paradise."
[Abu Dawood, Hadith: 1752]


The night before last (13/12/’24), the An-Nur Volunteer Team ventured out late at night to distribute winter clothing as gifts to underprivileged individuals suffering from the cold. They made every effort to deliver these gifts to those who truly have no one to help them — individuals who were lying alone and homeless in the biting cold, on the streets, under bridges, or at railway stations.

The An-Nur Volunteer Team traveled across areas like the Textile Zone, 2 No. Gate, Sholoshahar Railway Station, Muradpur, Bahaddarhat, GEC Intersection, Oxygen, and nearby locations, making efforts to deliver the gifts to the helpless individuals in need.

In Sha Allah! Throughout December and January, we plan to continue our "An-Nur Winter Gift Project" in other areas of Chittagong city, two to three days a week. We humbly seek your physical, mental, and financial support in this endeavor.

Ref: Sirron Sadaqah Fund
Account Name: An-Nur F.
A/C no. 2050 304 01 00157613
Islami bank
O.R. Nizam Road Branch

bKash | Nagad | CellFin: 01858-149618 (personal)