For humanity, on the Sunnah's path...

আন-নুর ফাউন্ডেশন

An-Nur Foundation





Call for Membership

An-Nur Foundation invites individuals to become lifetime members or donor members. Lifetime and donor members will have the opportunity to provide constructive suggestions for the welfare of the foundation. With the one-time donations collected from these members, the foundation plans to establish an Islamic center named "An-Nur Complex," InshaAllah.

“(The righteous are those) who give food in spite of their own need, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive.”
 [Surah Ad-Dahr, 08]

1. Lifetime Membership

Individuals who donate a minimum of 50,000 BDT or more to the foundation’s fund in a single transaction will be recognized as lifetime members of the foundation.

2. Donor Membership

Individuals who donate a minimum of 20,000 BDT or more to the foundation’s fund in a single transaction will be recognized as donor members of the foundation.

Donor and lifetime members will remain members of the foundation for life. Their advice will be sought when necessary for the welfare of the foundation, and they will be kept informed about various activities.

Membership Requirements

  1. The donation must solely be for the purpose of seeking Allah’s pleasure.
  2. The applicant must adhere to the Qur’an and Sunnah and be free from shirk (polytheism) and bid’ah (innovations in religion).
  3. The membership fee must come entirely from a halal (lawful) source.
  4. The foundation’s prescribed form must be completed.